Rinks for football, field hockey, roller hockey and for bordering the playing field for other indoor or outdoor sports.

The difference compared to floorball rinks consists in the solid connection between the parts using a hook on the lower bend and the possibility of fixation to the surface (for example, anchoring to concrete).



The individual parts consist of a front crash shield, a base, a top handle, two side parts and an elastic rope that secures the two parts together.

Each playground consists of 2m, 1m parts and 4 arcs with an optional radius of 0.5 or 1.5m.

The number of parts needed to assemble a playing area of ​​15 x 10 m

PartQuantity of pieces
2 m long18 pcs
1 m long2 pcs
arc R 1,54 pcs
rinks transport trolley1 pcs

Are you not satisfied with the size of the playground? We offer individual tailor-made solutions.

We offer rinks for any pitch size. It only depends on the number of rink parts.
For an individual tailor-made offer, contact us at